I have been thinking for some original, unique names but I can't think of any, please no ridiculous answers. thnx :-)
What are some good names for a baby boy kitten?
I think you should pick a name that best fits his personality, behavior or markings. Don't try to hard, it should come to you when you look at him. I currently have 15 cats and I just let their names come to me.
Reply:Thanks for asking,it doesn't seem like you were interested in anything any of us had to say.You already had his name picked out. Report Abuse
Reply:ummmmm, no I didn,t I was looking for unique names because I asked everyone the names they mentioned names that weren't different, I had never heard the name Ralphie and who do you think you are to tell me something that is not true? Report Abuse
Reply:I named my little boy Dex... and the other one was Jeezy... we've had boys named Felix and stuff like that-- but we did have a female with the name Elijah-- I think that name is beautiful/handsome (saying there's famous male stars with that name) but definitely go with the cats personality/markings- the name will come to you... something random and cute... never know-- you might wind up naming your lil guy "squeaky" or something like that... my kitty's real name is Dex-- but I always call him ShooShoo- and he responds to that... wierd huh?
Reply:Barking Bear say if kitty is orange call him Marmalade.If kitty is black call him Bigfoot.If kitty is white call him Fuzzy Wuzzy.If kitty is grey tiger call him Bugger.If kitty is multi-colored call him Patches.If kitty has loud purr motor call him Deisel.This is best Barking Bear can do without knowing kitty's personality.
i like it because when he learns it he will also recognize when you yell RASCAL.
thats why I named my kitten Topaz, I call her spaz or toespasm
oh or vegemite (in aus its a spread that is thick and black) for a black cat
Reply:Smoochies!!! :-)
Jk. But I would love a cat named that. :)
Here's a good list:
Reply:My cat (see my avatar) is named Otto. I once had a cat named Pita (yes, he was a pain in the a**). I've also had Spot, Murphy, Domino, and Clyde.
Reply:you can name him socks if he has white paws or jingles if he's all over the place
Reply:I鈥檝e always wanted to name a kitten Ichigo, it means strawberry in Japanese. Hope this name suits your kitten!
Reply:Zack, weed, goof, tyke, toby, pooky, tiny
its cute and sweet
George i love them both
how nice for you!
Reply:I like the name Max
Reply:max simple but sweet
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